“I was recently invited to write a short piece for Infectious Magazine, a music industry magazine based in Boston. There is quite a big focus on mental health and musicians at the moment and I was asked to write as a guest for the Mental Health Matters section.
The brief asked me consider why musicians persist in an industry that is so punishing and how I personally survive the ups and downs. For me, it has been about becoming fearless – another instrument that requires a lot of practice!
My piece seems to have resonated with a few people since it was published on Wednesday morning, which is brilliant. I’ll be talking more about it in my upcoming songwriting workshop on June 24. Amid the juicy writerly info, I’ll be introducing participants to the method I use to turn emotions into art and discussing how I use songwriting for my own personal healing.
With the discussions taking place at the moment it’s so important that we remember to stay connected to each other, reach out and support each other as a community. There is really no need for competition between musicians. We work best as a community, rising together.
I hope you enjoy my piece.”