Bilarong Cultural Festival

Category: Festival, Performance

“Caring for Country, People and Place”, the Bilarong Cultural Festival in Narrabeen this weekend will host artists The Stiff Gins, James Henry, Green Thum & Bart Willougbhy, Didj Beat, Charlie McMahon, Tribal Ashes, Yidaki Didg & Dance and Crimson Soul. This is a cross-cultural, free community event for all people to come together. The festival includes workshops on Aboriginal art, craft, culture, music, dance, bush tucker, traditional ochre rock painting and weaving, Native American Animal Totems, The Drum, ecoliving and a kids programme. Saturday’s Aboriginal welcome and smoking ceremony will be followed by a traditional Native American, lantern-lit dusk ceremony on the lake foreshore. Aminah & her band (with new addition, Tully Dingle, on percussion) are honoured to be performing as special guests in the Chai Tent. See for details.